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NWF 8 Ball Assoc


Thin Vertical Hot Players This Week! Thin Vertical
Thin Vertical Glen Crowley co-capt:   1 Eight on the break!!!

Thin Vertical
Thin Vertical Paul Swinney:   1 Eight on the break!!!

Thin Vertical
Thin Vertical Warren Jerrems:   1 Break & Run!!!

Thin Vertical
Thin Vertical Tim Kennedy:   5/50

Thin Vertical
Thin Vertical Rich Brock:   5/50

Thin Vertical
Thin Vertical Jerry Clayman:   5/50

Thin Vertical
Thin Vertical Hot Players This Week! Thin Vertical

League Officers

League President VP Womens VP Mens VP Mixed Secretary Treasurer
Mike Higgins
VP Womens
Bobbi Reynolds
VP Mens
Scott Carrancejie
VP Mixed
Donna Paul
Debbie Bradley
Brian Falacienski

Anonymous Suggestion Box

This system is here for the members of the Northwest Florida 8-Ball Association. It contains local pool news, tournament listings along with statistical and scheduling information pertaining to the pool league. Please feel free browse all the options available and review the information.

This system uses four levels of security to ensure integrity of the data recorded here. A general password protects the overall system. All members will have access to this password via the reports and score sheets. This is only meant to prevent random internet surfers from coming in. Each team captain will be provided with a special unique password which allows for updating team scores. Team captains are only allowed to update info for the current week. Retroactive changes have to be entered by the system administrator.

All league members doing updates should be aware that their IP address, hostname and browser type are time stamped and recorded. Any team member detected abusing this system will be blocked via IP filters.

That being said, I really don't believe we will have any problems. Enjoy the system. Report all concerns, questions and suggestions via email to: pool AT

Thank You,
Charlie Jones,

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